Scott's Blog

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Dog, cat spur intellectual conversation
I was walking into my in-laws’ house from the porch and trying not to trip over their dog, Misty. “Excuse me,” I said. My mother-in-law thought I was talking to her and said, “What?” “I was talking...
Can Opener
A Trụe Survivor
When I was going to college, Mom sent my sister to buy me a can opener at Albertson’s. She came back with one that cost the full $5 Mom had given her. “You didn’t need to get one that good,” Mom said. 2022...
The Nature of Communication
When I walked in to fetch a drink, I mumbled something, and she said, “What?”  “I was talking to the dog,” I replied. As I walked out to once again enjoy the night, I thought I heard something...
Up in the Air
I’m not afraid of flying, but I always have worst-case-scenario thoughts at some point during the flight. If everything goes fine, which it always has, my fellow passengers in that cramped cabin and I...