Scott's Blog
04 May, 2022
The wind blew in just the right way the other day and cranked up my rusty mental gears.
Isn’t that weird?
I went from not thinking about those days at all to having extremely vivid memories.
04 May, 2022
It’s hard to peel myself away from the war in Ukraine.
That sounds like I’m actually in the war, but I’m not even close. Anything’s possible, but I’m sure no one has ever considered firing a bomb, smart...
03 May, 2022
Whoever invented the Undo button deserves the highest honor our culture can bestow. How many mistakes have gone away because we could go under Edit and hit Undo? Who wouldn’t pay for that power in the...
02 May, 2022
I was listening to Prince’s “Purple Rain” album, something I’ve done since it blared from a boombox during an after school basketball game in the 17th century. (I cut the back of my hand that day; you...
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