Scott's Blog
11 May, 2022
Sometimes during my daily walks, I encounter a kid who’s the same age I was when I was his age.
He’s not happy with his DayGlo orange shorts. They’re the most comfortable pair he owns, he told me, but...
11 May, 2022
I don’t think I’ve ever put a fitted sheet on a bed correctly the first time. I always, Always, ALWAYS have to put it on the wrong way and then move things around. That’s why I nominate the fitted sheet...
10 May, 2022
Puck the Cat says summer is upon us. There’s no going back, only going through. How did he say this? Every stroke I gave from head to tail freed fourteen pounds of orange fur.
09 May, 2022
I’m too old to be climbing trees, but I miss it. I remember grasping the next rough branch, then the next, and the next until I reached the top. I also remember grabbing the wrong limb, getting knocked...
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