Glories and Absurdities

My Mission

When we have a six- or eight-pack of drinks, everyone else leaves the plastic holders on the cabinet top for me to cut. I make sure no birds get their necks caught and twisted in deadly circles. I’m a minor league superhero.

A Trụe Survivor

When I was going to college, Mom sent my sister to buy me a can opener at Albertson’s. She came back with one that cost the full $5 Mom had given her. “You didn’t need to get one that good,” Mom said. 2022 is my can opener’s 35th anniversary.

Up in the Air

I’m not afraid of flying, but I always have worst-case-scenario thoughts at some point during the flight. If everything goes fine, which it always has, my fellow passengers in that cramped cabin and I will go our separate ways after baggage claim. But if things go wrong, we’ll become brothers and sisters for all time.